Tag Archives: Javiera Mena

Hello, My Name Is: Javiera Mena

The window for game-changing artists is so tiny that it seems that only every 5 years we get to see the game change in some way, Kanye for Hip-Hop, Lady GaGa for Pop.

Latin music is probably twice as hard to change as Latin radio is very fixed in format and sound.

We might be crazy to think that Chilean artist Javier Mena can change it, but with the caliber of the first single off her album Mena, there’s a chance. We can hope.

Synths. Melody, on point. Electro-pop perfection. Don’t mind the long instrumental bridge.

If you haven’t met Javiera Mena yet. Well, let her make an indelible first impression.

Listen here:

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The window for game-changing artists is so tiny that it seems that only every 5 years we get to see the game change in some way, Kanye for Hip-Hop, Lady GaGa for Pop.

Latin music is probably twice as hard to change as Latin radio is very fixed in format and sound.

We might be crazy to think that Chilean artist Javier Mena can change it. With the caliber of the first single from her album Mena, there’s a big chance. We can hope.

Synths. Melody, on point. Electro-pop perfection. Don’t mind the long instrumental bridge.

If you haven’t met Javiera Mena yet. Well, let her make an indelible first impression.

Listen here: